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Your first paper is a topic paper about a resilient person. Some suggested topics include:
Your second paper involves an interview of someone in your community who you feel has developed and/or demonstrated resilience.
Some suggested keywords* to help find library resources for your first paper:
These are just some of the keywords you might try to find books and e-books related to your topic. Think about your specific topic and make a list of keywords relevant to your research.
Once you have results, look on the left side of the results page for the "Refine my results" limiters. Try selecting results from different subjects to see if you can find more relevant resources.
*Keywords are the words or phrases that are what your topic is most about. The library's search engine, Primo, uses individual keywords and combinations of keywords rather than natural language like Google or DuckDuckGo.
For best results, try different combinations of keywords to get more accurate results. For example: resilience trauma autobiography
More advance search tips can be found on the Advance Searching page of this Research Guide.
These are just a few of the databases available in the Molstead Library collection. You may want to check out some of the others available at the link below.
Complete List of A-Z Databases
As you search for books, it may help to think "inside the box" by being very specific (names or places) and "outside the box" by being more general (topics/issues). "Inside the box" searching allows you to find detailed materials, while "outside the box" thinking keeps you from missing high quality sources that do not have a much detail in their search records.
Since you are only keyword searching, make a list of possible search terms before you start. For example, "influenza" may bring back different results than "Spanish flu." "Influenza outbreak" will bring back different results than "influenza epidemic."
If you are struggling to find books at Molstead Library using the Primo search box, try searching for books through more familiar sites, such as or You can InterLibrary Loan books from other libraries for free!