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About Us

Collection Development & Management

Selection of books, serials, audio-visual, electronic and other library resources shall be made on the basis of their value to NIC's curriculum. No material shall be excluded because of the political, social, religious, or sexual views of the author, producer, etc. Molstead Library supports the American Library Association's Library Bill of Rights and the Association of College and Research Libraries' Standards for Libraries in Higher Education.

Selection Criteria

The following criteria are used to determine the selection of specific items (an item need not meet all the criteria to be acceptable):

  • Current usefulness.
  • NIC faculty, staff and student recommendations.
  • Authority, competency and reliability of author/producer and publisher.
  • Favorable reviews from professional reviewing sources and/or scholarly publications.
  • Inclusion in a recognized core list or bibliography.
  • Relation to existing collection.
  • Adequate standards of quality in content, format and physical appearance.
  • Vitality and originality.
  • Lasting value.
  • Price.
  • Cooperative collection agreements with area libraries.

Molstead Library will purchase, provided an item meets the above criteria, the following:

  • Resources in any format that supports NIC's curricular offerings.
  • Resources that support and enhance teaching excellence and the faculty's pedagogical skills.
  • Resources written or produced by regional, e.g. Northwest authors or directors (films).
  • Resources that support campus staff development activities and/or enhance campus staff job performance.
  • Resources (limited) that support LCSC & UI extension programs.
  • Resources about Idaho and/or by Idaho authors.
  • Resources written in foreign languages taught at NIC that are accessible to students with beginning or intermediate foreign language proficiencies.
  • Resources that are appropriate and/or favorably reviewed in all formats (e.g. DVD & streaming films, print, internet, etc.).
  • Resources in paperback format for the recreational reading collection representative of genres and authors that are popular with NIC students.
  • Resources (literary fiction, general non-fiction, and electronic magazines) that provide recreational reading enjoyment and that have been favorably reviewed in the professional literature.
  • Resources that support librarians' bibliographic instruction efforts.
  • Resources about libraries and the library profession.
  • Resources that provide information about the economic, political, social, educational, and cultural concerns of the residents of NIC's larger service area.
  • DVDs with closed captioning whenever possible.

What We Do Not Collect

Molstead Library does not purchase the following materials:

  • Resources that have been purchased by other departments for their students' and staffs' on-site use (e.g. automobile repair manuals, career materials, etc.).
  • Musical scores and play scripts.
  • Advanced foreign language materials or materials written in a language not offered at NIC.
  • Audiobooks.
  • Textbooks in general and/or textbooks used in a class currently offered at NIC.
  • Instructor's manuals and workbooks.
  • Most mass-market popular works of fiction and non-fiction.
  • Outdated media such as compact discs, CD-ROM, videocassettes, filmstrips, slides, records, etc.
  • Circulating art prints and/or artifacts.
  • Genealogical materials.
  • With rare exception, non-indexed periodical subscriptions.
  • Advanced or graduate research level materials unless resources to do so are provided by an appropriate institution (e.g. University of Idaho, Lewis-Clark State College).
  • Multiple copies (more than two) of a particular resource.
  • Dissertations, theses, ERIC documents.
  • Selection of library materials is the responsibility of library staff and/or NIC faculty.


Material Request

If you discover that you have a persistent need for a special resource that the library currently does not own, you might consider asking us to purchase it for our collection. Not every purchase request is fulfilled, but all requests are considered. All requests must demonstrate a need related to instruction or some other need related to the Mission, Vision, and Values of North Idaho College. For further information about how the library selects materials for its collection see its Collection Development Policy. Gifts to the Molstead Library are governed by the library's Gift Acceptance Policy.

To request an item be purchased by the library, use the Online Materials Order Form. Or, contact the library by phone at x7172 or via email at

Last Updated: 07.19.23

9 Point Agreement

Molstead Library is honored to support the 9 Point Agreement between the Coeur d’Alene Tribe and North Idaho College.

Point One of this document agrees to "provide resources so that the NIC Molstead Library has the most expansive Native American collection in the region."  Our Native American collection of over 2,500 items continues to expand with a focus on the indigenous cultures of the Northwest.

In conjunction with the Coeur d'Alene Tribe, the Sqwi'm Reading Room in Molstead Library showcases photos, tribal artifacts and book displays for NIC students and the public. Come learn and rest in this peaceful place.

Sqwi'm Dedication


Gift Acceptance Policy


Other institutions to consider:

University of Idaho
Donation Guidelines:

Gonzaga University
Shenae Hennagir Barkas
Cataloging & Metadata Librarian

Eastern Washington University
Jaclyn Parrott
Collection Management Librarian

Gift Acceptance Policy

The Molstead Library welcomes donations of books or other media that enhance and support the teaching and learning missions of North Idaho College. All such gifts are subject to the following conditions:

  1. Donations are screened for inclusion in the Library’s collection in the same manner as those items that are purchased. Because of space limitations and the possibility that items are out-of-date, lack relevancy, in poor condition or conflict with the educational mission of North Idaho College, the Molstead Library staff reserve the right to decline any gifts.
  2. When donations are accepted, it is with the understanding that they are given outright and without restriction.  Molstead Library becomes the sole owner of donated materials with the right to dispose of items in any manner that are not added to the collection. Most items that are not add to the collection are donated to the public libraries or local secondhand stores.
  3. Per U.S. tax regulations, the Molstead Library, as the recipient, may not assign a value to gifts for tax purposes. The donor should establish an estimated value or have the item(s) appraised by an independent party before the donation is accepted.
  4. Monetary gifts to benefit the Molstead Library are handled by the NIC Foundation.
  5. Upon request, the Molstead Library will provide the donor with a completed “Gift Form” which acknowledges the number of items selected for inclusion in the Library’s collection. This acknowledgement form is a general description of the donation only, and does not include an itemized list of individual titles.

All Inquiries regarding the donation of materials to be included in the Molstead Library’s collection are handled by the Library Director at (208) 769-3393. For monetary gifts please contact the NIC Foundation office at (208) 769-5978.


Policy on the Display or Distribution of Donated or Unrequested Items Including Books and Magazines

     The Molstead Library will not display or distribute donated or otherwise unrequested materials including books, magazines, audio recordings, and video recordings from individuals, publishers or external organizations unless such materials serve a clearly articulatable library goal, support the mission and values of North Idaho College, and have been approved by the Library Leadership Team.

Challenged Materials / Censorship

Selection Policy

The resources acquired for the Library are selected to meet the teaching, research, and service missions of the College. The presence of a resource does not mean that the Library advocates or endorses the ideas found in that resource. The Library adheres to the principles of intellectual freedom as outlined in the Library Bill of Rights of the American Library Association (ALA). It is the responsibility of the Library to ensure that different points of view are represented in the collection.

The Library Bill of Rights of ALA states “Books and other library resources should be provided for the interest, information, and enlightenment of all people of the community the library serves. Materials should not be excluded because of the origin, background, or views of those contributing to their creation” (Article 1); and “Libraries should provide materials and information presenting all points of view on current and historical issues. Materials should not be proscribed or removed because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval” (Article 2). Molstead Library also endorses the Freedom to Read Statement provided by ALA.

Academic Freedom is also outlined and supported within the North ldaho College Faculty Handbook (3.05). “...each faculty has the following prerogative... 1) freedom to choose appropriate pedagogical methods, within recognized professional standards. 2) freedom to present and discuss controversial or unpopular ideas, as long as they relate to the subject matter and are within the limits of the law and not prohibited by the policies of NIC. 3) freedom to select and purchase materials and provide information on subjects (including controversial subjects) in a professionally responsible manner."

Challenged Resources

Resources in the Library may be challenged by students or faculty of North Idaho College. A challenge to a resource in the Library must be based on the failure of that resource to fall within the Library’s selection criteria policies, including the commitment to intellectual freedom. When challenging an item, the student or faculty may request the library take one of two actions; (1) removal of an item because it is inappropriate, or (2) the addition of a source to balance the collection by providing alternative views. The Library may agree to take either action or no action at all. Challenged items will remain on the shelf and available to Library Users during the duration of the challenge.


Students or faculty wishing to challenge a resource from our collection will be asked to complete a Request for Reconsideration of Materials form. The completed form will be submitted to the Library Director; the Director will acknowledge receipt of the form via email. The request will then be reviewed by the Library Leadership Team of Molstead Library. The recommendation(s) of the Leadership Team will be sent to the Library Director. The person making the challenge will be notified by the Library Director of the final decision. Any appeal goes to the Dean of Instruction.


Adapted from Clemson University Libraries. 06/12/2024

Deselection Guidelines
Adapted from College of Western Idaho Library

Deselection, the permanent removal of materials from the library’s holdings, is an important part of the overall collection development process. Building a viable collection of materials to serve the college community is a dynamic process that includes regular assessment and removal of materials that are outdated, damaged beyond repair, or no longer relevant to the curriculum.

Librarians review the library collection regularly to identify materials that no longer contribute to the collection. In addition, faculty members are encouraged to review library holdings in their subject areas to identify items that should be withdrawn and bring such materials to the attention of the library staff.

General Deselection Criteria

The following categories of materials will be considered for removal from the collection:

  • Relevance to the current NIC curriculum.
  • Infrequent or non-circulated materials.
  • Outdated formats (e.g. VHS) or materials that are not seminal works or classics tests in field of study or format.
  • Excessively worn or damaged.
  • Multiple copies.

Last Updated: 9/30/19.