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About Us


Patron Types

Who may borrow library materials?

Students, Faculty, and Staff of NIC and users affiliated with the academic institutions below are able to borrow loanable materials using either their NIC Cardinal Card or their institution's ID card. Patrons have access to their individual accounts and their accounts only; the library is unable to provide information on the accounts of other patrons regardless of relationship.

All students, faculty, and staff with valid IDs from the following Idaho academic libraries:

  • University of Idaho
  • Lewis-Clark State College
  • Boise State University
  • Idaho State University


UI & LCSC Students

University of Idaho and Lewis-Clark State College students enjoy the same privileges as NIC students with the following exceptions:

  • Access to Molstead Library subscription-based databases from off campus. UI and LCSC students should contact their home library for access to online databases from off campus.
  • Interlibrary Loan Services:  UI and LCSC students should contact their home library for borrowing books from distant libraries.

Home Libraries

University of Idaho Libraries
Lewis-Clark State College Library

Also try the LiLI Databases for online database access from off campus.

Alumni & Community Users

How can I get a community borrower card?

All residents 18 years or older of the five northern counties in Idaho (Boundary, Bonner, Kootenai, Benewah, and Shoshone) are eligible for a NIC community borrower card which must be renewed annually. Patrons have access to their individual accounts and their accounts only; the library is unable to provide information on the accounts of other patrons regardless of relationship.

Account Creation

Bring your state-issued ID and proof of residence to the check-out desk and someone will assist you.


Loan Periods

 & Graduate


 Books (General Collection)  28 days 28 days  28 days 
 Board Games & DVDs  3 days 14 days  no
 1-day reserve: Circ Desk  1 day  7 days  no 
 3-day reserve: Circ Desk  3 days  7 days  no 
 7-day reserve: Circ Desk  7 days  7 days  no 
 Laptop  24 hrs  24 hrs no
 Device charger  2 hrs  2 hrs no
 Calculator  2 hrs  2 hrs no

For information on checking-out  Reserve Materials and Technology items, please refer to their individual policy pages.

What materials may not be borrowed?

  • Periodicals / serials / journals / magazines
  • Some Reserve materials (click here for the Course Reserves Policy)
  • Microfilm
  • Special Collections items (in-library use only)

What is the check-out procedure for circulating materials?

Borrower must present an academic ID or NIC Community Borrowers card, valid for the current semester, to borrow library materials. Only the owner of a library-registered card is authorized to borrow materials. The library is not responsible for unauthorized use of library cards.

Item Limits

 & Graduate


Total Items 20 Unlimited 5
(General Collection)
20 Unlimited 5
Board Games & DVDs 5 5 no
Reserve Items 2 2 Does not circulate
Laptop 1 1 no
Device charger 1 1 no
Calculator 1 1 no


All patrons will be emailed courtesy notices to inform of due dates and overdue items. Notifications will be sent day of, one week past due, two weeks past due, and 40 days past due (signaling the item is lost). These notices are a courtesy and, ultimately, users are responsible for returning items to the library.

Last Updated: 06/10/2024


Holds may be placed on all materials if they are currently checked out. Holds will be kept at the check-out desk for up to one week. In order to check-out a hold, you will need to have your NIC Cardinal Card, academic ID, or Community Borrower Card.

If you come to the library and your hold has not been pulled yet, we can assist you in finding it.

Last Updated: 06/10/2024


Renewals for all user types

Books on loan may be renewed one time so long as the item has not been requested by another patron. DVDs may not be renewed. Renewals may be done in the following ways:

  1. Log in to your Library Account and renew on your own.
  2. Present the items at the Check-Out Desk.
  3. By visiting the Check-Out Desk with your student ID or NIC Community Borrower Card.
  4. By calling Molstead Library at (208) 769-3355.

Once the renewal limit has been reached it will need to be returned to the library. If you still have interest in the item, you may check it out again after a 24-hour waiting period.

Renewals for Faculty and Staff

Faculty and staff may have unlimited renewals with an item for up to 12 months providing no one else has requested the item.

Last Updated: 10/20/22

Fines & Fees

& Graduate

Books (General
Collections) Board Games,
& DVDs

No late fees No late fees $0.25/day
$10/item Max
Hourly Check-Outs $1.00/hour
$10.00/item Max
No late fees Does not
Daily Check-Outs $1.00/hour
$10.00/item Max
No late fees Does not

Molstead Library does not charge NIC and Participating Academic Institution Students overdue fines for all Books (General Collection), Board Games, and DVDs. We all have challenges and circumstances that can prevent us from getting materials in on time – the library wants to ensure that utilizing our materials does not add to the existing stresses of academic pursuits and life in general.

Last Updated: 10/22/19

Lost or Damaged Material

Lost or Damaged Materials

Patrons are responsible for all library materials checked out to them; patrons may receive additional fees in the following circumstances.

  • If an item is reported as lost or damaged, or an item is returned damaged beyond normal wear and tear, the library will charge the cost of the item.
  • If an item is not returned within 45 days of its due date, it will automatically be considered lost and the patrons will be charged the cost of the item.

Lost items that are returned within 6 months of the fine date may be refunded.


Overdue fees will be charged at $3.00 per hour (or partial hour) starting at the time due. The maximum fee charged for each 24-hour period will be $30.00. In the event that a laptop is returned late due to what the patron feels are extenuating circumstances, the patron will be asked to submit a detailed explanation addressed to the Circulation Department through the Contact Us form on the library website. The explanation will be reviewed by the Circulation Supervisor, who may reduce or waive overdue fees. A second violation of the laptop overdue policy may result in the assessment of applicable fines as listed in the overdue policy, and/or suspension of laptop borrowing privileges through the end of the current semester.

A charge of $30.00 will be assessed for each lost battery, power adapter, or carrying case. Damage charges will be assessed on the actual repair/replacement cost, up to the cost of replacement for lost/stolen laptops, which is $800.00 as shown on the Laptop Loan Program Liability Agreement.


If you have any questions about Fines & Fees, you can contact the Circulation/ILL Supervisor at (208) 769-3269 or by using the library contact form.

Last Updated: 10/22/19

Course Reserves

NIC Faculty, please refer to Faculty Resources for information about placing materials on reserve for your students.


Does the library offer copies of every textbook or required material?

No, the library only houses what is provided to us by faculty. The library does not purchase textbooks due to cost and the speed with which they become outdated. If we do not have the text for your class, ask your instructor if they plan to leave a copy with us.

What is the check-out procedure for "in library use" course reserve materials?

Borrower must present an NIC ID card, valid for the current semester in order to borrow In Library Use Materials. The In Library Use materials cannot leave the Molstead building.  They may be taken for use upstairs in the Computer Labs.

Last Updated: 10/22/19


Laptop Loan Policy

Laptops are available for student checkout. In order for a student to check out a laptop, they must fill out the Laptop Loan Agreement form. These only need to be completed once a semester. Students must have their Cardinal Card (Student ID Card) to checkout a laptop; no exceptions.

Laptops checkout for a 24-hour period. They must be returned by, or before, the checkout time on the next day (if the item is checked out on a Friday, it must be returned at the checkout time on Monday) – there is a one-hour grace period for all late laptops. Following the one-hour grace period, a $3.00 overdue fine will be applied for each additional hour the laptop is late.

Laptops cannot be renewed; if a patron wishes to check out a laptop following return, they will have to wait one hour to ensure accessibility for other patrons.

If a laptop is lost, missing, damaged, or stolen, the Circulation/ILL supervisor will assess and determine if fines will be applied to the students account.

Students must abide by the signed agreement each time a laptop is checked out. The points of that agreement are as follows:

1. I acknowledge that I have read, understand, and agree to abide by the policies and procedures set forth in the Laptop Loan Program Agreement.

2. I understand that laptops check out for 24 hours and agree to return a laptop within 24 hours of checkout.

3. I understand that laptops cannot be renewed for an additional 24-hour checkout; I agree to wait for a total of one (1) hour from laptop return before checking out again.

4. I understand that I am the only person permitted to use the laptop. If I allow others to use the laptop, I alone am responsible for its condition.

5. I understand that I must report immediately to library staff if the laptop or its peripherals are not working properly, damaged, or stolen.

6. I agree to pay all costs associated with damage or replacement for the laptop and/or its equipment should they become lost, stolen, or damaged while they are checked out to me. This excludes normal wear and tear. I understand that the replacement cost for this laptop computer and equipment can be up to a maximum of $850.00.

7. I understand that if I fail to pay my student account bill or any monies due and owing North Idaho College by the scheduled due date, North Idaho College will place a financial hold on my student account, preventing me from registering for future classes, requesting transcripts, or receiving my diploma.

8. I agree not to download, install, or modify any software or install, modify, or remove any hardware.

9. I further understand that this Agreement is binding for the duration of my current semester enrollment at North Idaho College and covers all current semester occurrences of laptop and/or equipment checkouts.

10. I further understand and agree that failure to follow all written policies of this program will result in removal of my laptop checkout privileges.


Headphones are freely available at the check-out desk to all patrons. Headphones borrowed are yours to keep - only one headphone set per semester is allotted.

Library card (e.g. Cardinal Card, CIN, etc.) is needed to borrow headphones.

Charging Cords

USB-C and Apple Lightning charging cords are available at the check-out desk; all charging cords check-out for 2-hours and are in-library use only.

Scientific Calculators

Scientific calculators are available at the check-out desk; they check-out for 2-hours and are in-library-use only.

Last Updated: 07.19.23

Area Libraries

NIC students may find the services at these other local libraries useful. Most of these libraries will allow students to check-out books using an NIC student ID card. If you are a student of a college or university other than NIC, then it is recommended that you contact your home library to learn about the library services available to you as a student taking classes from a distance. Links to several area institutions are provided below.

Public Libraries Academic Libraries

Last Updated: 07.19.23