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Student Resources

Laptops and Technology Loan Policies


Laptop Loan Policy

Laptops are available for student checkout. In order for a student to check out a laptop, they must fill out the Laptop Loan Agreement form. These only need to be completed once a semester. Students must have their Cardinal Card (Student ID Card) to checkout a laptop; no exceptions.

Laptops checkout for a 24-hour period. They must be returned by, or before, the checkout time on the next day (if the item is checked out on a Friday, it must be returned at the checkout time on Monday) – there is a one-hour grace period for all late laptops. Following the one-hour grace period, a $3.00 overdue fine will be applied for each additional hour the laptop is late.

Laptops cannot be renewed; if a patron wishes to check out a laptop following return, they will have to wait one hour to ensure accessibility for other patrons.

If a laptop is lost, missing, damaged, or stolen, the Circulation/ILL supervisor will assess and determine if fines will be applied to the students account.

Students must abide by the signed agreement each time a laptop is checked out. The points of that agreement are as follows:

1. I acknowledge that I have read, understand, and agree to abide by the policies and procedures set forth in the Laptop Loan Program Agreement.

2. I understand that laptops check out for 24 hours and agree to return a laptop within 24 hours of checkout.

3. I understand that laptops cannot be renewed for an additional 24-hour checkout; I agree to wait for a total of one (1) hour from laptop return before checking out again.

4. I understand that I am the only person permitted to use the laptop. If I allow others to use the laptop, I alone am responsible for its condition.

5. I understand that I must report immediately to library staff if the laptop or its peripherals are not working properly, damaged, or stolen.

6. I agree to pay all costs associated with damage or replacement for the laptop and/or its equipment should they become lost, stolen, or damaged while they are checked out to me. This excludes normal wear and tear. I understand that the replacement cost for this laptop computer and equipment can be up to a maximum of $850.00.

7. I understand that if I fail to pay my student account bill or any monies due and owing North Idaho College by the scheduled due date, North Idaho College will place a financial hold on my student account, preventing me from registering for future classes, requesting transcripts, or receiving my diploma.

8. I agree not to download, install, or modify any software or install, modify, or remove any hardware.

9. I further understand that this Agreement is binding for the duration of my current semester enrollment at North Idaho College and covers all current semester occurrences of laptop and/or equipment checkouts.

10. I further understand and agree that failure to follow all written policies of this program will result in removal of my laptop checkout privileges.


Headphones are freely available at the check-out desk to all patrons. Headphones borrowed are yours to keep - only one headphone set per semester is allotted.

Library card (e.g. Cardinal Card, CIN, etc.) is needed to borrow headphones.

Charging Cords

USB-C and Apple Lightning charging cords are available at the check-out desk; all charging cords check-out for 2-hours and are in-library use only.

Scientific Calculators

Scientific calculators are available at the check-out desk; they check-out for 2-hours and are in-library-use only.

Last Updated: 07.19.23