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EBSCO eBooks & Audiobooks

EBSCO Account

Create a 'My EBSCOhost Account'

In order to download EBSCO eBooks or Audiobooks to a portable device you must create a personal My EBSCOhost account to authenticate the app.

Create a personal account:

  1. Select an EBSCOhost database and click the “Sign In” link along the top of the page.
  2. Click “Create a new Account.” (NOTE: you can use your GMail account to authenticate, see below)
  3. Enter the relevant information and remember your Username and Password.
  4. Use these credentials to log in to My EBSCOhost.
  5. It may take a few minutes for EBSCOhost to recognize your account.

Using Gmail

Creating EBSCOhost Account w/Gmail

Google Sign In allows you to log into your library's EBSCO resources and to create a personal 'My EBSCOhost' account using your Google login credentials (i.e. Gmail account).

To learn more about Google Sign In, see:

Google Sign In FAQs