Flipster : Flipster is a digital magazine service that allows you to stay current on trends in business by reading a selection of magazines from the library's collection on your computer or mobile device and features the following titles; Bloomberg Businessweek, Entrepreneur, Forbes, and Fast Company.
U.S. Census Data : This resources is the Census Bureau’s primary dissemination tool for many Census Bureau Programs. The Census Bureau conducts nearly one hundred surveys and censuses every year. By law, no one is permitted to reveal information from these censuses and surveys that could identify any person, household, or business.
Use For: Consumer Research, Market Research
Data USA : Data USA puts public US Government data in your hands. Instead of searching through multiple data sources that are often incomplete and difficult to access, you can simply point to Data USA to answer your questions. Data USA provides an open, easy-to-use platform that turns data into knowledge. It allows millions of people to conduct their own analyses and create their own stories about America – its people, places, industries, skill sets and educational institutions. Ultimately, accelerating society’s ability to learn and better understand itself.
Use For: Consumer Research, Market Research
ESRI ZIP Code Look-up Tool : Esri Demographics helps you understand the unique characteristics of a population based on a specific zip code.
ESRI Tapestry Segmentation : Divides all U.S. residential neighborhoods into 65 segments based on socioeconomic and demographic characteristics which are then grouped in 12 LifeMode Summary Groups describing lifestyle and lifestage and 11 Urbanization Summary Groups describing affluence and population density. Also includes a ZIP Code look-up tool.
Use For: Consumer Research, Market Research
Gale's DemographicsNow : This resource is a comprehensive easy-to-use tool that provides demographic data for a specific location. Demographic information includes income, housing, race, age, education, consumer expenditures and more, and is from the U.S.Census Bureau. View tutorials.
Use For: Consumer Research, Market Research
Statista : This resource is a statistical portal that integrates data on over 80,000 topics from over 18,000 sources onto a single searchable platform. Categorized into 21 market sectors, Statista provides direct access to quantitative data on media, business, finance, politics, and a wide variety of other areas of interest or markets. Data sources include market research reports, trade publications, scientific journals, and government databases.
Use For: Market Research, Statistical Research
Vertical IQ : Vertical IQ contains hard-to-find intelligence on small to mid sized businesses in over 500 industries. This resource details risks, industry trends, financial metrics, operations, and financial challenges inherent to businesses of all types.
Use For: Market Research, Statistical Research, Industry Reports