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Idaho Yesterdays - Article Index

Idaho Yesterdays - Volume 27

Date Volume Issue Author Title Description
1983 27 1 Stephen John Kneeshaw Borah and the Outlawry of War: Another Look Idaho's senior senator played a pivotal-and unpredictable- role in the Senate's approval of the Kellogg -Briand pact in 1928.
1983 27 1 W. Turrentine Jackson Wells Fargo & Co. in Idaho Territory: The 1870's and Beyond The express company continued to play a significant role.
1983 27 1   Those Were the Days ...perhaps to our surprise, when motorcycles were popular recreational vehicles.
1983 27 1 W. Daniel Butler Passenger Service on the Camas Prairie Railroad Passenger service is a chancy business for railroads in sparsely settled country.
1983 27 2 Gary Topping, editor A Trader in the Rocky Mountains: Don Maguire's 1877 Diary Reflections on the life of a young peddler.
1983 27 2 Hugh Lovin Disloyalty, Libel, and Litigation: Ray McKay's Ordeal, 1917-1920 Idaho's best-known Nonpartisan League leader became entangled in complex legal and political action.
1983 27 2   Those Were the Days ...when picnics could be either informal or elegant affairs.
1983 27 2 James A. Vlasich Bayhorse: A Sketch of Mining-Camp History Economics and technology have shaped the history of many mining communities.
1983 27 3 Carlos Schwantes Blessed Are the Mythmakers? Free Land, Unemployment, and Uncle Sam in the American West The impact of the myth and reality of free land and self-sufficiency in the West.
1983 27 3 Judith Austin The CCC in Idaho: An Anniversary Review In honor of its fiftieth birthday, a look at the most popular New Deal programs.
1983 27 3 Charles S. McCammon The Philadelphia Lawyer and the Indians Joseph K. McCammon never lived in the Idaho town that bears his name, but he had considerable impact on the area in which it is located.
1984 27 4 William A. Goulder The "Statesman" in North Idaho An Idaho pioneer and distinguished journalist describes developments in 1876.
1984 27 4   Those Were the Days ...when the Industrial Parade of the Rainmakers' Festival, held September 23, 1913, included a group of Bannock Indians from Fort Hall.
1984 27 4 Marjorie Williams The Rainmaker's Reign Boise's leading citizens celebrated the coming of major irrigation developments in grand fashion. 
1984 27 4   Book Reviews